Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Terrorism, Counter-Terrorism, and Star Wars

I was looking for something to post about and I discovered that the content from a pro-terrorist site I have used to post in the past was "removed by the user." I thought this was a little odd and started to look around and I found something very interesting. There are a lot sites that support terrorists on the internet, many of which are hosted in the US. I then found a bunch of sites devoted to the downfall and removal of these pro-terrorist sites. These sites request users to file complaints to servers hosting pro-terrorist sites to stop them from spreading their messages. The site which seems to be popular (other sites/blogs have links to this site or refer to it) in fighting these pro-terrorist sites is called The Jawa Report. After poking around on their site and reading what the whole Star-Wars Jawa analogy stuff was all about I thought it was pretty interesting. These people see themselves as players in what is going on with terrorism in the world, and they use Star-Wars characters to identify different actors. They are taking a very active (there have been two new posts since i started writing this entry) role to prevent terrorists from spreading their message and gaining support here in the US, and it seems that they have been successful on various occasions. It is interesting to think that there is a cyber-struggle going on for space to spread ideals. I don't know if these people are really having a large impact because the people who read the pro-terrorist sites regularly usually tend to agree with them and will find pro-terrorist propaganda elsewhere. Either way, at least they are trying to have a positive impact.

1 comment:

samuelw said...

This website presents a unique look into the modern Internet age of the war on terror. The idea that regular people with knowledge about specific tools, the internet, are waging a war on an endless battlefield, the web, boggles the mind. For as large as the internet is (I have heard that the Web doubles in size every 18 months) it is crazy to think that when you have a belief you can always find somebody out there that believes the same thing. Terrorists that can properly use the internet probably make up only about 10,000 people, my own opinion. Regular people using the internet probably number in the billions, but those that are specifically searching the internet to bring to terror websites I would guess number 50,000. Yet, with overwhelming numbers, terrorist websites keep appearing everyday. This truly feels like an eternal struggle between good and evil.