Monday, February 18, 2008

A [Silly] Question. . .

I was home with the family this holiday weekend, and my 7-year-old sister got me thinking.  At one point on Sunday evening she wasn't getting her way, and like any good youngest child, she began screaming and crying.  Her sobs were obviously not motivated by real pain, but geared towards getting attention and sympathy.  

This brought to mind the terrorist strategy of armed propaganda, and leads to this question: Are childish outbursts a form of low-grade terrorism, or is terrorism simply an overblown temper tantrum?  Perhaps both?  Neither?

1 comment:

RC14 said...

I like your analogy that compares terrorism to a temper tantrum. A tantrum is definitely a tool of the weak against the strong. It is also used to get attention and to coerce the stronger party to give in.