Friday, February 8, 2008

Another contest

Seeing that no one has posted anything today, I thought it might be fun to have another little contest. So, I am asking some questions about the individual pictured here.

Here are the contest rules: The first student with a correct answer to any of these questions gets a brownie point. Students answering more than one question are disqualified from the contest. All answers must come in comments appended to this post. Good luck!


1. What is the name this man was born with?

2. What was the name he took when he converted to Islam?

3. What is he usually called in the press?

4. What is his ethnic background?

5. When he performed his attack, what country was he a citizen of?

6. What was the explosive he used in his operation?


Steve-O said...

Palestinian background!

Prof. Payne said...

Sorry, Steve. No brownie points.

Prof. Payne said...

Since you guessed once and missed, you can now try answering one of the other questions.

squirrelyearl said...

This man was born with the name Richard Colvin Reid.

maggie-t said...

His real name is Richard Reid.

maggie-t said...

Oops I didn't realize someone had already guessed that question. His Islamic name is Abdul Raheem.

Prof. Payne said...

One brownie point for Scott.

SwatiS said...

He is usually called the shoe bomber by the press.

Prof. Payne said...

One point for Maggie, and one point for Swati.

Matt Harrison said...

He used two types of explosives on American Airlines Flight 63 - plastic TATP and PETN.

Prof. Payne said...

One point for Matt. I was looking for PETN, but you're right that he also used TATP as a detonator.

Robert Root said...

His mother was English and his father was Jamaican.

Prof. Payne said...

One brownie point for Robert. And one left, I think.

austin conners said...

name:Richard Colvin Reid
name given:Abdul Raheem, Tariq Raja (طارق راجا) and Abdel Rahim (عبدالرحیم),
media called: SHoe bomber
born:A British citizen born in Bromley, South London. does that count as ethnicity?
coutnry during attack citizen:US?
Attack bomb used:igniting explosives hidden in his shoes,revealing one shoe in his lap, a fuse which led into the shoe, and a lit match

Prof. Payne said...

Sorry, Austin: "Students answering more than one question are disqualified from the contest."

Everyone else, there's still one brownie point remaining to be awarded.

austin conners said...

oh shoot, i even see thta sorry

BrianM said...

He was a British citizen

Prof. Payne said...

One brownie point for Brian. And thus the contest ends. Thank you all for participating. :)

samuelw said...

In AST we read that in Europe Islam is finding new fields of Jihad in prisons and among youth. In this article it talks about how Richard Reid’s father was in prison during his childhood his father didn’t give him proper guidance. While he was in “Feltham young offenders’ institution (in London) he converted to Islam.” When he got out of prison he learned more about Islam and later started to attend more radical and militant sects. The article claims these sects prey on the “weak characters” of misguided youths. It sounds like local gangs in the US today, they make you feel like you have a family whereas before you were a reject of society. This appears to be a classic example of the new fields.