Sunday, January 27, 2008

France-India cooperation

I found this interesting article online about France and India cooperating to fight terrorism. You can find the here

At first I thought it was interesting to see cooperation between France and India, but then I read in the article that they actually have very similar goals and concerns as far as terrorism is concerned. For instance, they are both concerned with the issues of non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, and weapons of mass destruction. France is also worried that an increase in terrorism in Pakistan and Central Asia, could increase the number of terror-related incidences in Western Europe. The article stated: "Mr Sarkozy said extremism in one region has repercussions elsewhere too. "

I think it good to see such cooperation between countries that are so geographically distant from each other. It just goes to show us that countries are recognizing that globalization is weakening borders and the terrorist links between India and Pakistan, and Western Europe are growing stronger.

I would encourage you guys to read this article.

1 comment:

maggie-t said...

Terrorism seems to bring the world together in a unique way. It seems to me the fight against globalization, in which many terrorist groups are engaged in, is actually increasing globalization. Because terrorist groups are becoming more connected through globalization then more countries are having to military and politically unite to root out the common threat of terrorism. Anyway, this is just a random though that this article sparked. Let me know if you agree or not,